Since December, every Wednesday Jithubutu invites a prominent and popular teacher among dancers in the city and its surroundings to teach dance classes. This initiative has managed to bring together some of the best talent in the region, creating an energetic and vibrant environment.
Jithubutu is achieving one of its main objectives: to promote UNION among dancers, becoming a meeting point for them, regardless of the background to which they belong. In line with this objective, we have also begun to participate in dance workshops organized by these artists in other spaces, demonstrating his support and respect.
We thank these teachers for their collaboration with a small reward and giving them a t-shirt with our logo.
Pallet Workshop
We would like to share with you some of the photos from the pallet workshop.
Spanish Classes
Spanish classes in Jithubutu are becoming popular, experiencing high demand from young people who want to learn this language.
However, they face a shortage of staff to teach classes.